Niwaki Crean Mate
Ingenious mini scouring block which removes sap and rust from the blades of your shears, scissors, secateurs or knives. Simply apply a little water or Camellia oil and rub gently (may leave marks on polished surfaces so avoid using on precious blades) and remember to apply a protective layer of camellia oil to finish.
66 x 41 x 19mm
Made in Japan
Delivery: Click and Collect or Local delivery only, see delivery postcode list and details here. Order by 8pm Wed for delivery on Thurs- Saturday of that week or store collection Wed - Fri 12 - 4, Saturday 11 - 4pm. Orders after 8pm will be delivered the following Thursday-Saturday.
Ingenious mini scouring block which removes sap and rust from the blades of your shears, scissors, secateurs or knives. Simply apply a little water or Camellia oil and rub gently (may leave marks on polished surfaces so avoid using on precious blades) and remember to apply a protective layer of camellia oil to finish.
66 x 41 x 19mm
Made in Japan
Delivery: Click and Collect or Local delivery only, see delivery postcode list and details here. Order by 8pm Wed for delivery on Thurs- Saturday of that week or store collection Wed - Fri 12 - 4, Saturday 11 - 4pm. Orders after 8pm will be delivered the following Thursday-Saturday.
Ingenious mini scouring block which removes sap and rust from the blades of your shears, scissors, secateurs or knives. Simply apply a little water or Camellia oil and rub gently (may leave marks on polished surfaces so avoid using on precious blades) and remember to apply a protective layer of camellia oil to finish.
66 x 41 x 19mm
Made in Japan
Delivery: Click and Collect or Local delivery only, see delivery postcode list and details here. Order by 8pm Wed for delivery on Thurs- Saturday of that week or store collection Wed - Fri 12 - 4, Saturday 11 - 4pm. Orders after 8pm will be delivered the following Thursday-Saturday.